Friday, July 29, 2005

How Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie Can Help You Connect With Customers

As a communicator (whether that’s in eBay listings, in press releases, in white papers, in emails to prospects, in blog posts), you need to connect with minds. One short-cut way of doing that is to take newspaper headlines and use them to your advantage.

If you can connect popular images, celebrities and events to your company or message, you’ve won half the communication battle. Popular, well-known issues, ideas and people attract attention because they’re popular already. Weather, TV, tragedy and business events, for example, all offer opportunities for discussion in the context of your offering. Even if the connection is thin, people will be pulled in by names and events, especially if you include key words in the headline.

It’s kind of like pretending you’re Nicole Richie or Paris Hilton. They’re famous by association. Their parents did wonderful things for the world, and the girls leveraged their names for personal fame and fortune. Include popular personalities and current events in your communications and you’ve leveraged a bit of popularity that you never could generate on your own. We actually used and abused Paris and Nicole here.

See how I worked them into the story? The headline I saw this morning read “Fox Renews Simple Life with Hilton, Richie.” It was easy to craft my own concept around the two of them. You can do it, too. Piggyback onto celebrity fame, and you can come up with an instructive article or a story about your product or service. It’s easy.

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