Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Amsng Ancdt -- Attn mktrs & eby sllrs

This from

"Ttlly Brllnt!

"The famed florist Max Schling once ran a brilliant ad in The New York Times: The copy, entirely in shorthand, was clipped by thousands of curious businessmen who naturally asked their secretaries for a translation. The ad - addressed to these very secretaries - asked them to remember Schling when the boss wanted flowers for his wife!"

What language do your customers (or their employees) speak? Are you using it to get their attention? I immediately think of IM and text message shorthand when I read the story above. A message to parents of kids (marketing something relevant) would be great in that text-message slang. The parents would take it to their kids for translation and you've advertised twice for the price of once. Crafty.

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